CARNON PLAGE RestaurantPresentation
The Minato sushi bar invites you in a harbour atmosphere, for a culinary meeting between Japan and the local products of the Mediterranean basin.
Welcome to Minato sushi bar which means "port" in Japanese, our location since we are present on the Port of Carnon!
The harbour atmosphere, the terrace located in front of the boats, the fresh fish and the singing of the seagulls will not leave you indifferent... The fish of the day is caught at sea by the "Altaïr" and selected in the early morning. The pork is carefully prepared by "Côte et Tradition", the butcher's shop of the port.
We offer a balanced and healthy cuisine, based on the consumption of local and seasonal products. We wish to awaken in you the fifth flavour, umami, which holds a central place in our cuisine
Open from Wednesday to Sunday, delivery only and takeaway in winter.
The harbour atmosphere, the terrace located in front of the boats, the fresh fish and the singing of the seagulls will not leave you indifferent... The fish of the day is caught at sea by the "Altaïr" and selected in the early morning. The pork is carefully prepared by "Côte et Tradition", the butcher's shop of the port.
We offer a balanced and healthy cuisine, based on the consumption of local and seasonal products. We wish to awaken in you the fifth flavour, umami, which holds a central place in our cuisine
Open from Wednesday to Sunday, delivery only and takeaway in winter.
Informations générales
- Commune :
- Localisation :
- Ouverture 24h/24 :
- non
- Type de restaurant :
- Restaurant
- Catégorie :
- Restauration à thème
- Spécialités culinaires :
- Cuisine poissons
- Cuisine asiatique
- Moyen(s) de paiement accepté(s) :
79 Place Saint-Marc
Carnon Plage
- Langue(s) parlée(s) :
79 Place Saint-Marc
Carnon Plage
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 43.5459668
Longitude : 3.97713239